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Kamala Harris Promises Amnesty for Millions at DNC Speech

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 08/23/2024
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Kamala Harris made it clear what the whole purpose of the Biden-Harris administration opening the border wide open was last night - to give them amnesty to vote Democrat.

Of course, we’ve known that this is what’s behind the Democrats' openness to illegal immigration for decades now, though it’s rare that they say the quiet part out loud. It's often phrased as a "great replacement conspiracy theory" when we point out that this is their very strategy.

As Breitbart reported:

Vice President Kamala Harris outlined her plans to pass amnesty for 11 to 22 million illegal aliens in the United States during her speech on Thursday evening at the Democrat National Convention (DNC).

“I know we can live up to our proud heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system,” Harris said on the final night of the DNC. “We can create an earned pathway to citizenship and secure our border.”

That “earned pathway to citizenship” is presumably designed to allow the nation’s 11 to 22 million illegal aliens to apply for green cards, and eventually, secure naturalized American citizenship via legislation that remains opposed by the majority of lawmakers in the House and Senate.

Harris’ record on the border has been such a disaster that after she was picked as the presumptive Democrat nominee for President, publications rushed to deny that she was ever Border Czar. 

In an Axios article, propagandist Stef W. Kight claimed that; “Harris supporters have rushed to her defense. "She assumed the role that Vice President Biden had during the Obama administration, which is diplomacy with Central America," former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson told Fox News on Tuesday. ‘She is not the border czar.’”

Complicating things for Kight is her own publication, which has branded Harris “border czar” on multiple occasions. 

An Axois article dated April 14, 2021 reports that “The number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border has reached crisis levels. Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the "root causes" that drive migration.”

Kight herself wrote an article on July 30, 2021, on Reps. Henry Cueller and Sen. Lindsey Graham calling on Biden to appoint Jeh Johnson as border czar.” Kight reports that “Vice President Kamala Harris had previously been tasked with addressing the migrant surge and its root causes” While not referring to Harris as border czar herself, she had referred to her exact position as such in the article’s headline. 

Kight also wrote that “The two sent a letter to Biden asking him to create the position and appoint Johnson. "We've had border czars in the past,’ Cuellar said at a press briefing Friday” without criticizing the use of the word “czar.”

For two decades the conventional wisdom has been that there are 11 million illegal aliens in America, which was also the official tally when Biden took office, but it's a number which our government has never seen fit to update. 

A Yale Study in 2018 found that the true number of illegals in the country was 22 million at the time, and Biden’s border crisis has only added to that. During the 2021 fiscal year over 1.7 million illegals were apprehended, in the 2022 fiscal CBP encountered nearly 2.4 million illegals, while in the 2023 fiscal year there were nearly 2.5 million encounters. In other words, the Biden admin has set three consecutive records for the number of encounters at the border. 

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