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L.A. BLM Co-Founder Slams Joe Biden

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Los Angeles’s Black Lives Matter chapter’s co-founder, Dr. Melina Abdullah, said that she would not  be supporting Joe Biden, since he represents the “violent white supremacist” system.

Speaking to ABC News, which was conducting an analysis on how BLM could impact the election, Abdullah said that “[P]eople are feeling dismayed that the choices are between, you know, a violent white supremacist and another person who represents that same system.” 

According to theBlaze, Abdullah is not the only BLM leader who thinks Biden is not the answer for them:

“I think sometimes, Joe Biden and [President Donald] Trump, and our party on both sides are blinded by the struggles that the lower end of Americans are feeling today,” said Lawrence Nathaniel, the co-founder of “I Can’t Breathe” in South Carolina.

Nathaniel says he is considering voting for a third-party candidate.

It will be interesting to witness how the clear chasm between the hard Left and old guard factions of the Democrat Party unfolds in November.

Photos by Getty Images

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