Thelatest video from James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas further confirmed what we’ve all noticed: that the so-called fact checkers are partisan hacks.
The latest release of undercover footage alleges to show a documentary broadcast associate at CBS explaining that he uses CBS’ own reporting to issue “fact checks.”
“You can cite your own fact check?” an undercover Project Veritas journalist asked. “Yeah,” the CBS employee responded. “It’s like a cheap way of doing it like it goes right out the window. So I’ll just Google whatever and then ‘CBS’ on the end, and if there’s a ‘CBS’ article about it then I’m like, ‘Great, verified!'”
Watch below:
Last year, the fact checkers themselves exposed how the fact checkers are full of BS. In response to a lawsuit brought by John Stossel after he was the victim of a bogus fact check by Facebook approved “fact checker” Science Feedback, they defended the bogus fact check as “protected opinion.”
“Opinion” indeed.
Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros
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