President Trump’s campaign launched “Truth Over Facts,” a clearly satirical website claiming to be “an investigative website aimed at uncovering the truth behind Joe Biden’s never-ending, seemingly incomprehensible statements during his third, plodding campaign for president.”
Of course, Leftist media-hack “journalists” melted down, apparently thinking that the Trump campaign was engaging in some sort of Pravda-like repression of facts:
If you'd written a satire of the Trump administration where they launched a campaign called "Truth Over Facts" it would've been dismissed as heavyhanded and unfair.
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) May 18, 2020
Inbox: Trump Campaign Announces Launch of 'Truth Over Facts' Investigative Website
So I guess the war on facts has a name now.
— Christina Wilkie (@christinawilkie) May 18, 2020
Hilariously, the name of the site mocking a Biden gaffe, from when Biden said in a public rally last year.
“We choose science over fiction,” Biden said. “We choose truth over facts.”
Oops: Biden says “we choose truth over facts”
— Natasha Korecki (@natashakorecki) August 8, 2019
It is pretty amazing though, as the Hill’s Saagar Enjeti tweeted, that the story isn’t “that the people whose job it is to ostensibly cover politics don’t know an obvious reference to a Biden gaffe.”