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Liberal Dystopia San Francisco Becomes First U.S. City to See $5 Gallon Gas

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Watching the disarray as Democrats attempt to put to gether a coherent explanation for Bidenflation has been a sight to behold.

First we were told that there is no inflation – then we were told that inflation was merely transitory – and then we were told that inflation was actually just do to corporate greed (because apparently corporations were not greedy until 2021).

Now, in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine crisis which threatens to increase prices (specifically gas prices) further, the narrative has become “inflation is real – but if you want less of it, you want people to die.”

Yes, really:

What they’ll come up with next is up for debate, though I predict it’ll be something along the lines of “how inflation is actually good.”

After breaking through $100/barrel for the first time since 2014 earlier this week, crude oil futures neared $120 at their peak this week, and that’s been translating to higher prices at the pump, sending prices above $5/gallon for the first time in a U.S. city.

According to Fox Business:

San Francisco has become the first city in the United States to breach an average of $5 a gallon, according to an industry expert as the Russia-Ukraine conflict juices oil prices, which topped $113 in trading Thursday.

Currently, the state average for a gallon of regular gasoline in California is $4.940, according to AAA. It’s a significant leap from the national average of about $3.728, according to AAA data.

On the bright side, the residents of San Francisco can just avoid high gas prices by stealing gasoline (as long as they steal less than $950 of it), as such behavior seems to be practically encouraged by the city leadership.

In the wake of the Russia-Ukraine crisis the Biden administration has defended their decision to nix the Keystone XL pipeline, with Jen Psaki saying it would’ve taken years to become operational regardless. Of course, she’s making that argument after liberals as a whole have been derailing its construction for the past 14 years.

As calls have grown to ban Russian oil imports, some members of the Biden administration have floated importing from Iran instead.

What could possibly go right?

Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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