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Liberal Publication Says Kamala Harris Was Never Border Czar After Previously Reporting She Was Border Czar

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 07/24/2024
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After the media spent a week or so pretending to be critical of one Democrat in an effort to oust him from the race in favor of a different Democrat, the kid gloves are back on with Biden out.


“The Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the "border czar" title — which she never actually had,” the publication Axios captioned a tweet on an article defending Kamala Harris.

The border is among the most important issue to voters heading into the election, and it’s Harris’ prime failure as VP, making it easy and efficient to attack her over, hence the attempted damage control. 

In the article, hack propagandist Stef W. Kight writes:

Harris supporters have rushed to her defense. "She assumed the role that Vice President Biden had during the Obama administration, which is diplomacy with Central America," former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson told Fox News on Tuesday. "She is not the border czar."

Obviously the purpose here is to divert attention away from Harris’ complicity in the worst border crisis in U.S. history.

But complicating things for Kight is her own publication, which has branded Harris “border czar” on multiple occasions. 

An Axois article dated April 14, 2021 reports that “The number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border has reached crisis levels. Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the "root causes" that drive migration.”

Kight herself wrote an article on July 30, 2021, on Reps. Henry Cueller and Sen. Lindsey Graham calling “on Biden to appoint Jeh Johnson as border czar.” Kight reports that “Vice President Kamala Harris had previously been tasked with addressing the migrant surge and its root causes” While not referring to Harris as border czar herself, she had referred to her exact position as such in the article’s headline. 

Kight also wrote that “The two sent a letter to Biden asking him to create the position and appoint Johnson. ‘We've had border czars in the past,’ Cuellar said at a press briefing Friday” without criticizing the use of the word “czar.”

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