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Liberals “Cancel” Domino’s Pizza Over 8-Year-Old Tweet to Kayleigh McEnany

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Proving that we truly live in the dumbest of times, Domino’s Pizza has amazingly become the latest target of cancel culture.

We began 2020 with fears over war with Iran, followed by a pandemic, quickly forgotten Murder Hornets, nationwide riots, and now escalating tensions between China and India, and South and North Korea. But on top of all that, we’re now learning of a new crisis – that Domino’s once tweeted a nice message to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany.

The calls to boycott the pizzeria were spawned by self-described Principled Republican™ Rick Wilson, who discovered a generic tweet that Domino’s had sent to Kayleigh McEnany thanking her for a compliment in 2012, when she was a 24-year-old college student. Of note, Wilson belongs to the brand of conservatives known for having no actual conservative principles whatsoever.


Apparently unable to read dates, Wilson then replied to the tweet informing Domino’s that they had just “killed their brand.” (To be fair, I think their pizza already did that).

The tweet has over 5k retweets and 20k “likes” as of writing, even though everyone can clearly see the date of the quoted tweet in the top right corner.


Thousands in the comments made their message clear – that they’d be boycotting the establishment because an intern eight years ago tasked with replying to customer tweets did their job and replied to a future press secretary before anyone knew who she was. (Or alternatively, perhaps they just don’t know how to read).

Meanwhile, McEnany seems to have gotten a kick out of the whole “scandal.”

Domino’s also weighed in to mock the absurdity of the situation.

Not like this will make a difference for the boycotters – but the only actual recent political posts Domino’s has on their Twitter account is one expressing solidarity with Black Lives Matter and announcing donations to the National Urban League and a group that helps black girls learn to code.

And unfortunately for them, they can’t find refuge in Pizza Hut either…

Photos by Getty Images

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