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Liberals Hysterical After CDC Says Vaccinated People Don’t Need Masks

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For the past year and change liberals have been encouraging people to “follow the science” – though they never seem to do that themselves. Instead, “follow the science” has always been synonymous with “listen to us and believe.”

Roughly a third of the U.S. population (mostly leftists) overestimates the probability that a coronavirus case will require a hospitalization by a factor of ten. No one “following the science” would get that answer wrong, but liberals are the most likely to.

While most of us have been ready to get back to life as usual for quite a while now, the most progressive subset of the population never wants this to end. A great piece in The Atlantic recently described these people as the liberals who can’t quit lockdown: “For this subset, diligence against COVID-19 remains an expression of political identity—even when that means overestimating the disease’s risks or setting limits far more strict than what public-health guidelines permit.” You can see these people just by turning on your TV – such as MSNBC’s Joy Reid, who brags about double masking while going for a run, despite being vaccinated.

Yesterday the CDC released guidance that the fully vaccinated can ditch masks, and the “lockdown forever” crowd was out in full force to announce their virtue and seethe about the dire risks of a virus they’re now immune to. Some expressed concern for unvaccinated children – who account for less than 0.21% of all coronavirus deaths, while others expressed concern for the immunocompromised, the only solution to which would be a “masks forever” policy. Others pretended to be concerned about still being able to spread the virus to the antivaxxers that they despite.

And while we’re in the theme of “following the science” – below the charted the difference in coronavirus cases among states that have mask mandates and those that don’t. Do you see much of a difference?

Within just over a month our CDC director went from saying we faced “impending doom” to effectively ending masks for the majority of the adult population. Unfortunately it seems that a third of the population won’t be joining her in dialing down the hysteria anytime soon.

Matt Palumbo is the author of Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New YorkDebunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, and Spygate

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