Another example of higher education at its finest. A kinesiology professor at the University of Rhode Island thinks he has some great knowledge to contribute to society: the rise of “white rage and white supremacy.” The professor published a book this month called “Making American White Men Great Again: Tom Brady, Donald Trump, and the Allure of White Male Omnipotence in Post-Obama America.”
That’s a mouthful. Campus Reform first reported on the professor. The author said, “I decided to research Trump and Brady’s public performances of their white masculinities and how they connected t with broader debates about race and gender politics after a student in one of my classes brought the Under Armour commercial to my attention and it piqued my interest.”
The 2015 Under Armour commercial “depicts thousands of Tom Bradys working out and tells the audience to “Rule Yourself.” The professor’s absolutely ludicrous and vile assessment of the commercial was it “would not seem out of place in Leni Reifenstahl’s infamous Nazi propaganda film, ‘Triumph des willens.”
The professor’s analysis is so comical, he references who Brady “takes to the Kentucky Derby” each year. “It is a vision of Brady as a wealthy, white man who unapologetically enjoys, and has even made a habit out of, spending time with other wealthy white men who treasure time ‘with the boys’ over all others” the professor said.
And a few final ridiculous statements: “his performance of white masculinity shares much in common with President Trump’s because most of the Derby’s attendees include elite white people.” He also takes issue with Brady’s “intense diet” as evidenced of how his “white masculinity is repeatedly constructed.” Huh?