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Majority of States Recovering Fastest Economically From Pandemic Are Run by GOP Governors

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Red States have been leading the economic recovery from the pandemic, with the unemployment rate in blue states peaking at 59% higher than their red state counterparts back in October.

Democrat governors both enacted the strictest restrictions to combat the pandemic (with limited results), and delayed reopening the most. The results of those divergent policies was predictable, and the effects can still be seen.

Of the top 20 states that recovered the fastest from the pandemic (measured in terms of the percentage of jobs recovered that were lost), 17 have Republican governors. Idaho and Utah lead the pack, having recovered more jobs than they lost from the pandemic. They recovered 114.4% and 113.2% of their respective job losses.

The only Democrat run states that make the list are North Carolina, Maine, and Michigan.

Measured by unemployment rate, 15 of the top 18 states with the lowest unemployment rate are run by Republicans. New Hampshire, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Utah are all tied with 2.8% unemployment. Kansas, Wisconsin, and Minnesota are the only states with Democrat governors that make the list.

In addition to coronavirus related restrictions, another policy inhibiting the recovery is expanded unemployment benefits, which have caused a labor shortage in the hospitality sector. Twenty-two states are ending enhanced unemployment benefits to end that problem – all of which are Republican led.

Matt Palumbo is the author of Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New YorkDebunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, and Spygate

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