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Maxine Madness: Those who Support Border Wall Don’t Love the Country

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) slammed Americans who support a border wall to secure the country during a recent speech.

At a rally in Los Angeles on Monday, Waters said, “This president is trying to keep a campaign promise to all of those people that he swore he would build a wall! And those people who want the wall are not patriots,” she claimed, “they are not people who love this country, they are not people who stand up for what’s right!”

The rally was part of a protest of the president’s declaration of a national emergency in order to build a wall or barrier along the southern border.

The congresswoman also called on supporters to “resist” the president and the “so-called national emergency.”

A January poll revealed that 62 percent of Americans believe illegal immigration is a problem in the United States and 43 percent support the President’s efforts to build a wall along the southern border.

Photos by Getty Images

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