While the organization is seldom the subject of any thinking person’s attention, Media Matters has made headlines this week after Fox’s Greg Gutfeld floated the possibility of suing the slanderous organization.
It stared when Andrew Lawrence, a “senior researcher” at Media Matters (whose “research” amounts to watching TV all day) accused Greg Gutfeld of lying about taking the coronavirus seriously months ago, because other people on his show “The Five” who are not Greg Gutfeld didn’t take it as seriously as he did. Gutfeld replied with the proof that in late January he sounded the alarm on the virus.
this was January 28th. what were media hacks who are acting like they're Nostradamus now, saying back then? Zilch. https://t.co/AJpYjsFziV
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) March 22, 2020
Ironically, back in January it was Media Matters accusing Fox of fearmongering over the coronavirus.
As Media Matters useful idiot Bobby Lewis wrote on January 27th, “Fox News’ Fox & Friends ran two segments promoting what the network called ‘a Chinese nurse … blowing the whistle on Twitter’ and claimed the coronavirus infection rate is ’33 times [higher than] what Chinese officials are reporting.’ Co-host Brian Kilmeade, in an interview with Dr. Mehmet Oz, said that the outbreak is ‘happening in this secretive society where candor is secondary, and we’re seeing clues that this is so much worse.'”
As we now know, the U.S. Intelligence Community concluded that China concealed the extent of the virus outbreak in their country, and intentionally lowered their reported cases. One study found that the outbreak would’ve been 95% less severe without China’s cover-up.
Fox News is fearmongering about coronavirus with an unsourced viral video, obtained from a Twitter account known for "fearmongering with unsourced information." https://t.co/eWS6RDjdwK
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) January 27, 2020
Media Matters articles also “exposed” Rush Limbaugh for suggesting that a China travel ban would be a good idea in late January, and Tucker Carlson for saying that racial diversity shouldn’t be important when it comes to assembling a Coroanvirus task force. By February 24th Media Matters finally began taking the virus seriously in their coverage – once they realized they could use it as an opportunity to attack President Trump, of course.
As China was busy covering up the true extent of the outbreak, and their friends over at the WHO were claiming the virus couldn’t be spread by human contact, Media Matters was effectively cheering them on.
Stellar work Media Matters – the CCP thanks you for your efforts!