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Merry Christmas: Trump Crushes Top Dems in Latest “Electability” Poll

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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President Trump beats out Vice President Biden, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Senator Bernie Sanders in a new YouGov/Economist “electability” poll.

The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard points out that this is the second poll in two days showing the president’s advantage and has the commander-in-chief leading his opponents by 6 points to 41 points:

“In the survey, 40% said that former Vice President Joe Biden would “probably beat Donald Trump.” But 46% said Biden would “probably lose to Donald Trump.”

Against Sen. Bernie Sanders, the margin favored Trump 57%-31%.

Trump also leads Sen. Elizabeth Warren, 57%-27%.

And against South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, he is up 59%-18%.”

The poll also highlights the president’s booming economy and found that one in three Americans believes the economy is getting better while 26 percent say it’s getting worse. “And when asked whether they personally are better off than they were four years ago, more say they are than say they are not,” notes the survey.

A recent Firehouse/Optimus poll found that President Trump was ahead of the top 2020 candidates in three key battleground states.

The poll–conducted earlier this month–reveals the President is polling ahead of Democrat candidates, former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Mayor Michael Bloomberg in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

In Michigan, the President is ahead of Biden by five percentage points, Sanders by six points, Warren by nine points, Buttigieg by eleven points, and Bloomberg by eleven points.

In Pennsylvania, President Trump beats Biden by four points, Bloomberg by four points, Buttigieg by six points, Warren by seven points and Sanders by eleven points

In Wisconsin, President Trump crushes every Democrat candidates by double-digits except for Biden.

President Trump is nine points ahead of Biden in the state, eleven points ahead of Buttigieg, twelve points ahead of Warren, twelve points ahead of Bloomberg and thirteen points ahead of Sanders.

How’s that for an early Christmas present?

Photos by Getty Images