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Mexico’s President Says Joe Biden Responsible for Migrant Crisis at the Border

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Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador pointed out that Joe Biden created expectations that illegal immigrants would be treated better in the U.S. than under Donald Trump and that caused the massive surge of illegals coming into the United States.

Obrador said:

“Expectations were created that with the Government of President Biden there would be a better treatment of migrants. And this has caused Central American migrants, and also from our country, wanting to cross the border thinking that it is easier to do so.”

Of course, Obrador is dramatically underselling it. Biden didn’t just change “expectations,” he made changes to policies. He got rid of Trump’s remain in Mexico program that was stopping many illegals before they ever got here. He told the world he didn’t intend to deport anyone, didn’t want more security on the border, and wanted to make illegals citizens. If you are inclined to break the law by coming to the United States, you are never going to have a softer touch than Joe Biden in office. Just about the only thing he hasn’t done is sent squads of soldiers down to South America to force people to come here at gunpoint.

As a practical matter, we don’t have a border with Mexico right now. Illegals, drug dealers, terrorists, and criminals are allowed to come in and go where they please. It is a dangerous state of affairs, it’s bad for the country and it’s an incredibly radical policy designed to change the demographic make-up of the country, undermine the rule of the law and help the Democrats in future elections. It’s not a policy someone who puts their country first would ever support.

John Hawkins is the author of 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know. His website is Linkiest and you can follow him on Parler here.

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