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Michigan’s Secretary of State Is Openly Interfering in the 2024 Election

  • by:
  • Source: Bongino
  • 08/28/2024
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It's sure looking a lot like election interference. 

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is simultaneously fighting to keep one (now former) “third-party” Kamala Harris challenger on the ballot - and another off the ballot.

When you look at who is being targeted, it all makes sense.

The candidate Benson wants off the ballot is Cornel West, a far-left third party candidate that appeals to communists, socialists, and people who spew gibberish about “American imperialism.” Given his position on the far-left of the political platform, he can only possibly take votes away from Biden. The same is true for Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

Separately, West revealed during an interview that Democrats literally tried to bribe him to drop out of the race.

“A number of them reached out just saying I need to get on the bandwagon,” West said, adding that they framed it as a historic woman for a black woman to run the nation. West says he told them “You can offer resources or position or what have you—that’s not what I’m all about.”


Meanwhile, Benson wants to keep RFK Jr. on the ballot - and it’s doubtful that would still be the case if he didn’t endorse Donald Trump when dropping out. Despite once polling over 20%, RFK Jr. still retained a small but substantial level of support in the key swing states which are usually decided by a finer margin than the 4% RFK held when he dropped out. 

In other words, it could be an election changing move. 

Just look at how RFK’s Trump endorsement has affected the polls so far:  Trump has gained since RFK Jr. dropped out: 1.25 points in Arizona, 1.08 in North Carolina, 2 in Nevada, 0.52 in Pennsylvania, and 1.2 in Wisconsin.


As HotAir reported on the shenanigans: 

Last week, Benson, the state's Democratic Party, and a token Democratic Michigan voter challenged the standing of left-wing independent candidate Cornel West's appearance on the ballot. West is polling in the 1-2% range, but would theoretically pull votes away almost entirely from Kamala Harris. West's campaign immediately sued to reverse the decision, and on Saturday, Judge James Robert Redford ordered West's return to the ballot. Benson has promised to appeal the decision. For muh democracy. 

Simultaneously, Benson this week made another decision about who will and who won't be on the Michigan ballot. RFK Jr. made national news last Friday in Arizona when he announced he was suspending his campaign, and would be filing motions to withdraw from the ballot in all of the swing states where his appearance could affect the outcome of the election negatively for Trump, the candidate RFK endorsed. Benson responded by rejecting the filing from Kennedy, in essence forcing his name to remain on the ballot, because it is widely believed that on the margin, Kennedy's name takes more votes away from Trump than from Harris. Her logic is non-existent when applied to the decisions in West and Kennedy unless you view it through a partisan Democratic lens, and are using the power of your public office in order to put your thumb on the scale for the top of the ticket from your side. For muh democracy. 

I’ll have to phrase this one passively to not anger the Facebook “fact-checkers” - it sure seems like Democrats are trying to rigging an election - and when it’s this brazen, it’s hard to believe it’s the first time they’ve done it.  

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