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Mueller: Manafort Lied to FBI and Special Counsel; Breached Plea Agreement

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort lied to the FBI and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, breaching his plea agreement, according to a new court filing yesterday.

The filing says, “After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel’s Office on a variety of subject matters, which constitute breaches of the agreement.”

Manafort’s team disputes the allegations, telling a judge that their client “believes he has provided truthful information and does not agree with the government’s characterization or that he has breached the agreement.”

In September, Manafort pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy against the United States and one count of conspiracy to obstruct justice.

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Manafort agreed to forfeit five properties including his Trump Tower apartment, three bank accounts, and a life insurance policy.

Also on Monday, former Infowars editor and author Jerome Corsi said he will reject a plea deal that has been offered to him by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

“They can put me in prison the rest of my life. I am not going to sign a lie,” Corsi said in a phone call with CNN.

According to The Atlantic staff writer, Natasha Bertrand, Corsi told her he would not accept Mueller’s plea deal on one count of perjury because it would require him to sign a statement saying he willfully lied, which he denies.


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