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Seattle Police Chief Condemns City Council for Silence After Home Attacked By Rioters

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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On Sunday, Seattle rioters allegedly targeted the home of Police Chief Carmen Best.

Best then sent a letter to the city council, urging them to “stand up for what is right” and end “the new way of doing business by mob rule,” and condemned them for not condemning the rioters, according to PJ Media.

Best’s letter to City Council President Lorena González and Public Safety Chair Lisa Herbold reads:

“I wanted to update you on recent events, particularly those that occurred late last night. A residence of mine in Snohomish County was targeted by a large group of aggressive protestors late last night.

“My neighbors were concerned by such a large group, but they were successful in ensuring the crowd was not able to trespass or engage in other illegal behavior in the area, despite repeated attempts to do so.

“I urge both of you, and the entire council, to stand up for what is right. These direct actions against elected officials, and especially civil servants like myself, are out of line with and go against every democratic principle that guides our nation. Before this devolves into the new way of doing business by mob rule here in Seattle, and across the nation, elected officials like you must forcefully call for the end of these tactics.”

Best is absolutely correct. It’s a shame now that the Seattle City Council is so woke that it would rather abolish its police department than protect its citizens, including its police chief.

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