Not that this should surprise anyone…
Newsbusters is reporting that Wednesday’s ABC, CBS and NBC morning shows criticized President Trump’s Tuesday night address to the nation eight times more than the Democrat response speeches by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).
According to Newsbusters, the networks offered up “a staggering 43 statements critical of the presidential speech. By contrast, only a scant five critiques were made of the Democratic response…”
NBC’s Today show featured 13 negative statements about President Trump’s speech. ABC’s Good Morning America had 12 negative comments about the speech and CBS This Morning provided a whopping 18 negative statements.
There were few statements critical of the Democrats, however.
Newsbusters writes:
One of the few statements critical of Democrats on the NBC morning show came from White House correspondent Kristen Welker, who noted: “The fact is, some Democrats, including Schumer, have voted for border barriers in the past, including the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which authorized a 700-mile fence between the United States and Mexico.”