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New Report Exposes Non-Citizens in Arizona Admitting They're Registered to Vote

  • by:
  • Source: Bongino
  • 09/26/2024
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The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project uncovered even more evidence of non-citizens being able to vote in the U.S. 

This report focussed on the key swing state of Arizona, which was decided by a microscopic 0.3 point margin of roughly 10,000 votes, hence why non-citizen voting could easily tip such a state - or most swing states in the past two election cycles. 


The video shows a number of illegal aliens debunking liberal claims that they’re either not voting, or aren’t even registered to vote.

And as you’d expect, they all support Kamala Harris - hence why liberals would love to pretend they can’t vote in the first place. 

Watch below: 


In a prior report from July, out of the 41 people surveyed, four admitted they were non-citizens registered to vote. While 41 is too small a sample to extrapolate from nationally, it would imply that about 10% of illegals are registered to vote if we were to. 

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