More than a month after the Democrat primary race for New York’s 12th congressional district, the race has still not been called, due to over 84,000 mail-in votes being disqualified.
According to theBlaze, the New York City Board of Elections said it received 403,103 mail-in ballots, but only 318,995 of them were counted, which means that 84,108 mail-in votes were not counted or invalidated, 21% of the total.
Approximately 30,000 mail-in ballots in Brooklyn, 25% of mail-in ballots in the borough, were tossed.
The reasons for these rejections included late arrivals, lacking postmark, or no voter signature.
Now imagine this happening in November all around the country, and still say with a straight face that President Trump’s concerns about the problems with mail-in voting are unfounded.