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No Surprise: Kamala Harris the Least Popular VP in Modern History

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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As is hardly surprising, the woman who was among the least popular Democrat presidential candidates on the debate stage last election cycle didn’t get any more popular after assuming the role of Vice President.

Kamala Harris was always a strange pick for Biden, not only due to the lack of enthusiasm or support for her, but also because she strongly suggested that he was a racist on the debate stage, and elsewhere said she believed the woman who accused him of inappropriate touching. No update on if she is still “believing all women.”

VP Harris’ biggest role thus far has been as the de-facto “Border Czar,” a job description that entails blaming everything for the border crisis except Biden’s policy changes that caused the border crisis.

And just six months in, she’s already the least popular Vice President in modern history.

According to Breitbart:

Potential 2024 presidential candidate Kamala Harris has become one of the least popular vice presidents since the 1970’s.
The Telegraph reported over the weekend that “two recent polls both showed 46 percent of Americans approved of Harris, with 47 percent and 48 percent disapproving.”

According to Gallup, the Telegraph noted, 42.1 percent approved of former Vice President Mike Pence’s performance at the same point in his term while 41.9 percent disapproved.

“The previous vice president — Biden — had an approval rating above 50 percent after six months. Before that Dick Cheney, and Al Gore, were in the 60s at the same stage,” the report stated. “Even Dan Quayle, the much-mocked vice president of George H.W. Bush, had an approval rating of 43 percent, and disapproval of just 22 percent, with 34 percent undecided.”

“Bush himself was a popular vice president under Ronald Reagan, as was his predecessor Walter Mondale, who became Jimmy Carter’s vice president in 1976,” the report concluded.

When questioned about the poll, VP Harris cackled nervously without addressing it (just kidding – but you know that’s exactly what would happen).

Matt Palumbo is the author of Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New YorkDebunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, and Spygate

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