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Not a Reliable Witness” - Bill Maher Catches Stormy Daniels in a Lie on the Stand

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 05/14/2024
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Bill Maher of all people caught Stormy Daniels in a lie on the stand after realizing what she said contradicted what she told Maher during an interview on his show back in 2018. 

Describing Daniels to his audience on the most recent episode of his HBO show Real Time as a “bad witness,” he pointed out that Daniels said to him in 2018 that "It's not a Me Too case. I wasn't assaulted. I wasn't attacked, or raped, or coerced or blackmailed [by Trump]…. They tried to shove me in the Me Too box to further their own agenda. And first of all, I didn't want to be part of that because it's not the truth and I'm not a victim in that regard."

“That’s not what she’s saying now” Maher pointed out. "She's talking about ‘he was bigger and blocking the way.’ It's all the Me Too buzzwords. She said, ‘There was an imbalance of power for sure.’ ‘My hands were shaking so hard.’ She said she blacked out. Blacked out? She's a porn star!… Do you really think she blacked out? A porn star is used to having sex with people she doesn't [like]… I just think she's not a good witness."

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