According to some recent polling from Morning Consult, even the media circus surrounding Cassidy Hutchinson's non-bombshell testimony has failed to move the needle an inch.
They survey found that "32% of all voters — and 23% of Republicans — said they had seen, read or heard 'a lot' about Hutchinson’s testimony, which is similar to the share who said the same about the panel’s prime-time hearing in June" and that "the panel’s recent hearings have done little to shift public opinion about Trump’s culpability" for supposedly inspiring his supporters to enter the Capitol.
When Liz Cheney has played comments from Trump's rally on January 6, she's always conveniently left out the part where Trump instructs his followers to "march peacefully."
Amusingly, while the percentage of Republicans eager for Trump to run again in 2024 is down only single digits since the hearings began (and it's impossible to know if it's due to the hearings themselves - which is unlikely), the percentage of Democrats saying Biden has run has fallen by fifteen percentage points.
Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros
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