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NPR’s Anti-Free Speech CEO: “The Truth Might Be A Distraction”

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 04/17/2024
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National Public Radio’s (NPR) new anti-free speech CEO Katherine Maher stated that “the truth might be a distraction,” in a resurfaced video from her 2022 TED Talk. Maher, who made the remarks while CEO of Wikipedia, stated that seeking the truth could get “in the way of finding common ground and getting things done.”

“I’m certain that the truth exists for you and probably for the person sitting next to you,” she said, “but this may not be the same truth.” 

Of course, two opposing things cannot both be “the truth.” The left’s obsession with sacrificing the truth to validate narratives is dangerous and Orwellian. It has led to all of the worst modern social movements, such as the transgender cult, which denies biological reality, and the feminist movement, which insists women are oppressed in free Western societies. 

Maher’s insistence that the truth must be sacrificed for progress or “getting things done” indicates she isn’t interested in running NPR like a reputable news outlet. Instead, she’s interested in turning the organization into a propaganda arm of the left (more so than it already was). 

Indeed, In a separate resurfaced video, Maher stated that "the number one challenge" in her fight against so-called disinformation is "the First Amendment in the United States," which makes it "a little bit tricky" to censor "bad information" and "the influence peddlers" who spread it. 

Since she was hired, NPR’s Senior Business Editor Uri Berliner, who identifies as a liberal, resigned after working 25 years at NPR. Berliner cited Maher’s “divisive views” and NPR’s abandonment of objectivity for his departure. 

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