Ranking House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) slammed chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) for his “vendetta” against President Trump in a letter exclusively obtained by Fox News.
The letter, dated Friday night, criticizes Schiff for his “blatant disregard” for the rules surrounding the House impeachment proceedings against President Trump.
“I write in objection to your December 6, 2019 transfer of additional records and other materials relating to the Democrats’ partisan impeachment inquiry to the House Committee on the Judiciary,” wrote Nunes.
Nunes cited Section 3 of House Resolution 660 which states that the “chair of the Permanent Select Committee or chair of any other committee having custody of records or other materials relating to the inquiry referenced in the first section of this resolution is authorized, in consultation with the ranking minority member, to transfer such records or materials to the Committee on the Judiciary.”
Nunes says Schiff violated that rule and writes, “I received no consultation prior to the transfer of materials…” which were sent to the Judiciary Committee.
“Your consistent and blatant disregard for the rules is alarming,” Nunes writes. “I can see no reason for you to continue to ignore these rules, which the Democratic majority put in place, other than to meet a bogus deadline of impeaching the President by Christmas. I urge you to put an immediate end to your vendetta against the President, stop your constant rule breaking, and begin treating this Committee and its oversight responsibilities with the seriousness they deserve.”
It was revealed last week that Schiff subpoenaed Nunes’ phone records as part of the Democrats’ sham impeachment investigation.
Yesterday, Nunes said he was putting together a legal team to look into the matter.
Speaking to Fox News, the congressman said that California law does not allow for the release of someone’s phone records and claimed that his rights had been violated.
“I’m in California, so for sure, state law, you cannot release somebody’s phone records,” he said. So, for sure, that right has been violated. But, we also have to look at the constitutional aspects of this, and do all the members of Congress have a right to privacy, and can just one member, because he doesn’t like someone and he’s a political opponent of someone, can that member just subpoena records and then release just to embarrass or to create a distraction or to build whatever fantasy-land narrative that they continue to build?”