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Nunes Issuing up to TWO DOZEN Criminal Referrals

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Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) said yesterday that he will issue as many as two dozen criminal referrals to the Department of Justice relating to misconduct during the Trump-Russia investigation.

“The American people need to have confidence in the FBI and the Department of Justice. So, we are working on the referrals,” the California congressman said to Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “There’s going to be many of them. There are going to probably at least be a dozen if not two dozen individuals, and as we continue to get more information and build these and build them out, we want to make sure that everything is finished before we turn them in.”

**LISTEN: Dan discusses the disgusting attacks in The NY Times by “unnamed” officials in an attempt to keep the witch hunt against Trump alive.**

“There are people who definitely lied and misled Congress, OK? So if they don’t go to prison we’re going to have a two-tiered…justice system in this country and it is not going to be good for the American people.”

Watch the full exchange below:

Photos by Getty Images

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