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NYT Invents Contents of Trump Executive Order to Push “Antisemitism” Narrative

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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The New York Times set off the latest batch of far-left hysteria last night as “Judaism”  became a trending topic on Twitter. Why? Because of a bogus New York Times report from Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman. According to their narrative:

President Trump plans to sign an executive order on Wednesday targeting what he sees as anti-Semitism on college campuses by threatening to withhold federal money from educational institutions that fail to combat discrimination, three administration officials said on Tuesday.

So that’s all good, right? It’s the next paragraph where the Times sent the twittersphere into a tailwind:

The order will effectively interpret Judaism as a race or nationality, not just a religion, to prompt a federal law penalizing colleges and universities deemed to be shirking their responsibility to foster an open climate for minority students. In recent years, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions — or B.D.S. — movement against Israel has roiled some campuses, leaving some Jewish students feeling unwelcome or attacked.

The “interpret Judaism as a race or nationality, not just a religion” led to the latest invocation of Godwin’s Law. Cue the hysteria:

I probably don’t need to tell you that Trump hasn’t resurrected the Third Reich through executive order as those above are implying, but it must be emphasized that the executive order does not define Juadism is a nationality. The Times simply made that up. Just read the relevant section of your text yourself and you’ll notice the lack of mention:

Even the far-left Slate reported that the Times reporting was B.S., noting that “It does not claim that Jews are a nation or a different race. The order’s interpretation of Title VI—insofar as the law applies to Jews—is entirely in line with the Obama administration’s approach.”

As always the Times’ lie has gotten halfway around the world before the truth has gotten get of bed – and that’ll never change. The number of people who will hear theirs lies will always exceed those hearing the corrections.

Perhaps that’s been their strategy the entire time.

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