DC is full of secrets, lies and scandals. According to Representative Ilhan Omar she does not fit into the salacious category with many of her colleagues. Already having combatted rumors that she married her brother in order for him to get a United States citizenship, there is a new rumor in the mill.
Earlier this week a DC consultant’s estranged wife filed for divorce, “just over a month after it was reported that Omar had separated from her husband and father of her three children” reported Fox News. When asked if she was separated from her husband and dating anyone she shot back, “No, I am not…As I said yesterday, I have no interest in really allowing the conversation about my personal life to continue and so I have no desire to discuss it.”
Standard Democrat response: my personal and private life is sacred and no one’s business. Bring in a Conservative, say, President Trump however, and they believe dissecting his personal life is critical to national security.
Despite Omar’s dodging, it appears her affair is front and center in the divorce papers. According to Fox News:
A court filing from Beth Mynett, 55, alleged that the freshman congresswoman was involved with her husband Tim Mynett, 38, and that their separation in April 2019 was brought on by his confession…Tim Mynett has previous worked for Omar’s Congressional campaign, and his company received approximately $230,000 for fundraising consulting, digital communications, internet advertising and travel expenses since 2018, records showed.
The Mynetts got married in 2012 and have a 13-year-old son together.
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