Five states have postponed their primaries so far as a result of the Coronavirus – which is only delaying the inevitable conclusion with Joe Biden will securing the Democrat nomination against his communist counterpart.
No presidential election has ever been postponed before – and President Trump doesn’t have the authority to do so (as giving any president that kind of power would have obvious consequences), but a significant percentage of voters think the coming November presidential election should be.
According to Rasmussen Reports:
One-in-four voters are prepared already to postpone the November presidential election – for the first time in U.S. history – if the coronavirus threat continues. Support is much higher for delaying upcoming primaries.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 25% of Likely U.S. Voters think the November election should be delayed if necessary as coronavirus panic grips the nation. Sixty-two percent (62%) are opposed to any such delay, but another 13% are undecided.Â
There is virtually no difference of opinion among Republicans, Democrats and voters not affiliated with either major party on this question.
Nearly half (48%) of all voters believe upcoming state primaries should be postponed because of the coronavirus threat. Thirty-seven percent (37%) disagree and say they should be held on their scheduled dates. Fifteen percent (15%) are not sure.
The 20th amendment to the constitution states that the current president’s four-year term ends at noon on January 20th, so it wouldn’t be possible to postpone the election for more than two months without violating the constitution.
While the spread of Coronavirus will ideally be contained before the November election (with the Trump administration’s goal being by July/August), mail in ballots would be an easier solution than postponing an election if necessary.