In a hilarious series titled “Walls Across America” the Daily Caller’s Benny Johnson is traveling across the nation highlighting “the best walls” in the country.
In the latest episode, Johnson travels to Southampton, NY where open borders advocate and leftist billionaire George Soros has a sprawling mansion.
Standing in front of Soros’ massive wall, Johnson says, “You are not going to believe what is behind me. That massive white barrier that stretches as far as the shot probably shows you…is not, I repeat is not a model of the wall that Trump wants on the border, it is not, I repeat, a set from Game of Thrones, it is not…a recreation of the Great Wall of China to keep the Mongolians out. It is indeed George Soros’ own personal great wall. George Soros has a wall that would make Donald Trump dream at night.”
George Soros has a wall that would make Donald Trump dream at night.
Standing in front of a doorway in the wall, Johnson notes, “It seems like, to get into the place that George Soros loves, where George Soros lives, you’re going to have to use a legal port of entry.”
The Daily Caller points out that President Trump often calls out prominent politicians and celebrities for hiding behind walls around their homes while advocating for open borders and slamming the president for even considering constructing a barrier along the southern border.
**LISTEN: Dan addresses the border wall debate and where the Democrats are misleading you**
In last week’s address from the Oval Office, the President said, “Some have suggested a barrier is immoral. Then why do wealthy politicians build walls, fences and gates around their homes?”
“They don’t build walls because they hate the people on the outside. But because they love the people on the inside,” he said. “The only thing that is immoral is the politicians who do nothing and continue to allow more innocent people to be so horribly victimized.”
Watch the hilarious episode below: