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Poll: 37% of Voters Give Biden’s First Year an “F” – Only 11% Give Him an “A”

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Joe Biden was given failing grades on his latest report card with voters.

According to Mediaite:

A Politico/Morning Consult poll out Wednesday found 37 percent of respondents give the president an “F” for the first quarter of his presidency. By contrast, a meager 11 percent give Biden an “A” thus far, while 20 percent give him a “B.” Nearly a third of the country put Biden in the “C” or “D” category — with 18 percent giving the president a “C” and 12 percent giving him a “D.”

Biden got his worst marks on the economy, immigration, and “restoring unity” — with 40 percent flunking him in the latter two categories, and 38 percent giving him an “F” on the economy. His best grades came on Covid-19 and health care, where 35 percent and 31 percent respectively gave him an “A” or a “B.”

A larger share of voters gave Biden an “F” in this poll than they gave Trump his first year – and Trump had to deal with a media where 90% of their coverage of him was negative, more than any other president in history. These sort of polls also tend to oversample Democrats.

This comes amid a historic shift in party favorability towards the GOP.

Democrats are jumping ship ahead of the midterms, with two more announcing their retirements this week, bringing the total to 28.

Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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