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Poll: Republicans Optimistic About Economy Re-Opening By Easter

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The government is currently in the midst of a national balancing act; weighing the costs and benefits of a continued shutdown on the economy against flattening the coronavirus curve. While many seem hesitatnt to discuss it, there is a point where the costs of a shutdown begin to outweigh the benefits. Or as President Trump puts it, “we cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.”

President Trump has expressed optimism that the U.S. economy will come out of “lockdown” within the next few weeks, stating earlier in the week from the White House Rose Garden “I’d love to have it open by Easter, OK? I would love to have it open by Easter. I will tell you that right now.” While some in the media has been interpreting Trump’s comments as a guarantee that the economy will re-open by then, it seems more to be Trump’s hope in a a best-case scenario. As Fox Business’ Charles Gasparino noted, during a recent call between top White House officials and major Wall Street investors, the White House indicated that the lock-down may last beyond Easter.

Furthermore, if Dr. Anthony Fauci opposes re-opening the economy by Easter, it’s a near certainly that Trump will follow his advice. Fauci described the Easter goal as an “aspirational suggestion,” and said that Trump is “not absolutely wed” to reopening the economy by Easter. Of course, everything is continent on the nation’s progress before then.

Regardless, most Republicans are optimistic about the Easter timeline. According to Rasmussen Reports: The majority of Republicans share President Trump’s confidence that America can begin rolling back some of its anti-coronavirus precautions by Easter, but most other voters don’t agree. Forty-one percent (41%) of all Likely U.S. Voters are at least somewhat confident that the United States can begin to end many coronavirus emergency measures and start getting back to work by Easter on April 12.

Fifty-eight percent (58%) don’t share that confidence. This includes 17% who are Very Confident and 38% who are Not At All Confident. Republicans (61%) are much more confident than Democrats (28%) and voters not affiliated with either major party (32%) that the country can end many coronavirus measures and get back to work by Easter. Twenty-eight percent (28%) of GOP voters are Very Confident, compared to 13% of Democrats and eight percent (8%) of unaffiliateds. Thirty-seven percent (37%) of all voters share Trump’s optimism about the fight against coronavirus. Fifty-four percent (54%) do not and think he is making the situation look better than it really is. Again, there’s a sharp party-line division in thinking. While 64% of Republicans share Trump’s optimism, 75% of Democrats and 60% of unaffiliated voters believe instead that he is making things look better than they really are.

While there’s no official explanation for the greater optimism among Republicans, two obvious explanations would be that Republicans have greater faith in the president and his team, and that Republicans tend to live in more rural areas that haven’t been as hardest hit by the pandemic as population dense areas such as New York City.

Photos by Getty Images

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