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Poll: Trump Ahead of Top 2020 Dems in Key Battleground States

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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A new poll has found that President Trump is ahead of the top 2020 Democrats in the key battleground states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Breitbart reports that a Firehouse/Optimus poll conducted earlier this month reveals the President is polling ahead of Democrat candidates, former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Mayor Michael Bloomberg in all three states.

Vice President Biden was Trump’s closest contender in each of the states.

In Michigan, the President is ahead of Biden by five percentage points, Sanders by six points, Warren by nine points, Buttigieg by eleven points, and Bloomberg by eleven points.

In Pennsylvania, President Trump beats Biden by four points, Bloomberg by four points, Buttigieg by six points, Warren by seven points and Sanders by eleven points

In Wisconsin, President Trump crushes every Democrat candidates by double-digits except for Biden.

President Trump is nine points ahead of Biden in the state, eleven points ahead of Buttigieg, twelve points ahead of Warren, twelve points ahead of Bloomberg and thirteen points ahead of Sanders.

The poll points out that “Among non-partisan voters, Wisconsinites favored President Trump by double digits. For example, against Senator Elizabeth Warren, Trump led by over 18 percentage points among non-partisans.”

The poll also found that in each of the three battleground states, a majority of likely voters are not in favor of impeachment and removal of President Trump:

Impeachment and removal is opposed by 50.8% of voters in Michigan, 52.2% of voters in Pennsylvania, and 57.9% of voters in Wisconsin. Non-partisan voters in Michigan (70%) and Wisconsin (61%) oppose impeachment and removal while non-partisan voters in Pennsylvania slightly support it (46.4% to 40.9%). When asked about whether congressional Democrats should be spending their time impeaching Trump or focusing on policy issues, a majority of these battleground state voters choose “focus on policy issues” (MI: 59.4%; PA: 63%; WI: 67.2%).

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