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Priorities: CIA Held Secret Meetings with TV Show “Homeland” Under Brennan’s Leadership

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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When he wasn’t busy peddling his hoax Russia-collusion narrative, former CIA Director John Brennan apparently had time in his schedule to meet with cast and crew from Showtime’s Homeland and give the team a tour of his office.

Breitbart reports:

In a roundtable conversation published Thursday by the Hollywood Reporter, the team behind Homeland revealed that they met with intelligence officials at CIA headquarters in Langely, Virginia. Although they didn’t say when the meeting took place, they told the magazine that it was during the time that Brennan was running the agency.

Those participating in the conversation with the publication discussed how the show was created and how the team was able to get insight from CIA agents, journalists, and former military personnel.

Former Showtime executive Vice President of original programming, Gary Levine, said “A meeting was arranged between the cast, the network and the CIA at Langley. They confiscated our cellphones, and our whole team is just sitting there across from maybe 50 CIA agents.”

Former Showtime executive David Nevins said Brennan himself made an appearance during the meeting.

“John Brennan, who was running the CIA at the time, came out in the middle and says, ‘I don’t know what your show is, but I know it matters to my people,’” said Nevins.

Brennan even offered actor Mandy Patinkin–who becomes CIA director in the series– a tour of his office.

“Then he grabbed Mandy and said, ‘Hey, do you want to see your office?’” Levine said.

But, what would an interview with members of Hollywood be without criticism of President Trump?

“One thing that we learned is that you keep American foreign policy consistent from one administration to the next,” Homeland Showrunner Alex Gansa said.

“The worst thing you can do is to backtrack, like to say no to the Climate Change Agreement or the Iran treaty. That is anathema for the intelligence community because it rocks the boat. It makes nobody trust us abroad.”

For the full report, click HERE.

Photos by Getty Images

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