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Project Veritas Confronts Hillary Clinton

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Shirley Teter sued James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas for supposed defamation for their 2016 investigation into Democracy Partners, lost, and was recently ordered by a federal judge to pay their legal expenses of about $16,000.

Democracy Partners has previously worked with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the DNC. Project Veritas’ 2016 exposé caught the group’s founder Robert Creamer and contractor Scott Foval explaining how they intended on inciting violence at rallies for then-presidential nominee Donald Trump. Creamer “stepped back” from his position after the video went public, and the Clinton campaign didn’t release a statement, presumably to avoid drawing more attention to it.

Teter claimed to have been assaulted by a crowd of protesters at a Trump rally on September 12, 2016, and claimed that Project Veritas’ videos linked her to a plot to incite violence at Trump rallies. Her libel suit was tossed in 2019, and a battle over legal fees ensued. Last week Judge Margin Reidinger noted that Teter “was represented by six attorneys in this matter, all of whom were from outside of this district, and one of whom was from out of state,” which contradicted her claim that she was “indigent and therefore cannot pay the costs of litigation herself.” The Judge was also confused by the number of pro-bono attorneys involved in the case, prompting one of them to oddly “clarify” without being asked that “we’re not paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign or by the Democratic party or anything like that.”

After, Project Veritas approached Hillary Clinton for comment about Teter being ordered to pay their legal fees, leading to her pretending to not know who Robert Creamer is.

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Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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