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Project Veritas: Video Captures NY Times Reporter Saying There Were a “Ton of FBI Informants” on January 6

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The latest undercover recordings released from Project Veritas purport to show the New York Times’ National Security Correspondent Matthew Rosenberg contradicting his own January 6 reporting and mocking his colleagues “traumatized” by that day. He also confirmed the presence of FBI informants.

Despite his reporting that January 6 was a “violent interruption to the transition of power in American history,” he allegedly described the day as “fun” to the undercover reporter from Project Veritas. “I know I’m supposed to be traumatized, but like, all these colleagues who were in the [Capitol] building and are like ‘Oh my God it was so scary!’ I’m like, ‘f— off!”” Rosenberg said.

“It’s not the kind place I can tell someone to man up but I kind of want to be like, ‘dude come on, you were not in any danger… These f—ing little dweebs who keep going on about their trauma…. They were making too big a deal. They were making this an organized thing that it wasn’t.”

Referring to how the Times broke the story, Rosenberg said “There were a ton of FBI informants among the people who attacked the Capitol. For the CIA and NSA, if you work there, you get polygraphed every year, and you’re [CIA/NSA] asked if you’ve spoken to a reporter, and if your answer is anything but no, you’re [CIA/NSA] in deep trouble. So I’ve been talking to former people who are talking to people who are still in.”

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Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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