Jen Psaki confirmed that Joe Biden has no plans whatsoever to visit victims of the Waukesha the Christmas parade massacre – an attack that many in the liberal media are reporting as having been carried out “by a car” in a desperate attempt to avoid confronting reality.
Peter Doocy asked “Since [Biden] said that this administration is monitoring the situation in Waukesha closely, it has revealed…the assailant swerved his truck side-to-side to run over as many people as possible…Why hasn’t [he] visited the members of this Christmas parade attack?”
She responded: “As you saw the president convey last week, our hearts go out to this community, to the people in Waukesha that we’ve been in touch, obviously, with officials there. We’re all watching as people are recovering, and this is such a difficult time of year for this to happen–it’s difficult any time.”
Psaki added that “any president going to visit a community requires a lot of assets” and requires “taking their resources.”
“It’s not something that I have a trip to preview at this point in time.”
Watch below:
The suspect in the parade massacre, Darrel Brooks, was a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, called for violence against white people, sympathized with Hitler, posted anti-cop propaganda, and was upset with the verdict in the Rittenhouse trial. Brooks is alleged to have carried out the attack on November 21, two days after the Rittenhouse acquittal.
Or in other words, if the tragedy doesn’t fit the preferred narrative, the Biden administration will barely pretend to care.
Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros, Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New York, Debunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, and Spygate
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