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Report: AOC “Literally Ran” from GOP Opponent at NYC Parade

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Socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) reportedly ran away from a potential GOP challenger at yesterday’s Puerto Rican Day parade in New York City.

Republican radio producer Rich Valdes told the New York Post that he attempted to talk with the freshman lawmaker and challenge her to a debate on socialism versus capitalism.

However, AOC “cut her handshaking short, jerked her hand back and jetted to the other side of the street,” claims Valdes.

“She literally ran!” he said.

“I thought this was a good time to try and get a response but I honestly only saw the back of her head as she trotted across the street.”

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Corbin Trent, Ocasio-Cortez’s spokesman denied Valdes’ claims and said, “She kept walking! The parade moved! It’s a procession! Give me a break.”

For the full report, click HERE.

Photos by Getty Images

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