Vengeful Virginia Democrats have blocked pay increases for law enforcement officers because of their opposition to gun control.
During passage of the Virginia budget last week, state Sen. Bill Stanley (R) introduced an amendment to give each Virginia sheriff’s department a 3% pay raise. Unfortunately, every Democrat rejected his proposal.
According to Stanley, state Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw (D) admitted that his party rejected the pay raise because law enforcement across Virginia so openly opposed Virginia Democrats’ aggressive gun control agenda, the majority of which even went to far as to declare their jurisdictions “sanctuary counties.”
In a Facebook post, Stanley claims he was told “…you want to know why your sheriffs didn’t get a raise? — because they came to our committees and said that they weren’t going to enforce our laws,.
“I was shocked that the Democrats are now punishing our local Sheriff’s Departments (by eliminating a pay raise for them), for the their choice to protect and defend our citizens’ Second Amendment rights. Democrats want to restrict a citizen’s right to protect themselves, but won’t pay our sheriffs’ deputies to protect Virginians. Hypocrisy has a name,” Stanley wrote.
Salsaw told WTVR that Stanley was telling the truth. “He didn’t lie … I said it…All I said was a lot of people are upset that these people come in and say they’re not going to enforce our laws. That’s all.”
Many law enforcement officers across the state expressed their disapproval of the proposed legislation and claimed they would not enforce the laws if enacted.
Grayson County Virginia Sheriff Richard Vaughan attended the Second Amendment rally at the state capitol last month where he said, “If the bills go through as proposed, they will not be enforced. They’re unconstitutional. We swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Virginia, and that’s what we’ll do.”
Culpeper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins was also in attendance and he said he would deputize gun owners if lawmakers pass gun control measures.
Last week, Virginia’s highly contested assault weapons ban failed in the Senate after Democrats bucked their own party and voted to table the measure which would have confiscated commonly owned guns and accessories from law abiding citizens. The bill has been shelved for a year, and Democrats are likely to resurrect the issue come 2021.