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Reporter Tries to Corner Marjorie Taylor Greene - Backfires Immediately

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 07/19/2024
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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene smoked a lefty reporter from the British publication.

During the Republican National Convention, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene slammed a Times of London reporter.

The reporter, Jo Crawford, who describes herself as a “Proud dyslexic, dyspraxic and ADHDer,” asked Greene about J.D. Vance’s comments that the United Kingdom may become the first “truly Islamist” country following the Labor Party’s landslide. “Doesn’t that paint a sour picture for relations with the UK?” Crawford nonsensically asked Greene.

Greene then went on offense, and  blasted the media's violent rhetoric towards Trump. “Let’s talk about the words of the Democrats demonizing Trump so much that a young man, a 20-year-old, actually climbed onto a roof and tried to murder President Trump.”

“Let’s talk about people like you, who have demonized people like me [and] President Trump” Greene continued, as the reporter, clearly in over her head, attempted to interject. 

“Shame on you. You’re the problem,” Greene said, adding, “You’re ridiculous. And you’re the problem in our country. You lie about people like me; this is the first time you’ve ever talked to me.”

“Your job is the press: You should report the news and not lie,” she added.

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