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Richard Grenell Roasts Politico for Spreading Fake News

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Former Ambassador to Germany and acting DNI Ric Grenell is quite good at pointing out fake news. And in this particular case, it couldn’t have possibly been easier for him to debunk.

The latest example came courtesy of noted collusion-hoaxer Natasha Bertrand of Politico, who deleted a tweet promoting a Politico scoop saying Grenell was planning to join the Trump campaign. “News – Richard Grenell, who was until today the acting Director of National Intelligence, is joining the Trump campaign in a senior role focused on fundraising and strategy” read the since-deleted tweet.

Grenell replied:

Brad Parscale, President Trump’s campaign manager, denied it as well.

But as is typical for the media, Politico doubled down. Brad Dayspring, Politico’s vice president of marketing and communications, tried cornering Grenell, asking him which part of the scoop was wrong.

Of course, though, this was an easy lay-up for Grenell.

My God, these people are stupid.

Is it still a mystery why no one trusts the media?

Photos by Getty Images

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