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Sen. Grassley Demands DOJ File Charges Against Women That Falsely Accused Brett Kavanaugh

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Sentor Charles Grassley sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher A. Wray asking when four people that came forward with false charges against Brett Kavanaugh will be prosecuted. The letter named names.

It reads, in part:

On October 8, 2019, several colleagues and I wrote a letter to Attorney General Barr and Director Wray requesting an update concerning their handling of criminal referrals made by the Committee following its investigation into allegations of decades-old misconduct by then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh.  To date, the Justice Department and FBI have failed to respond to our letter and have failed to apprise the Committee whether, and to what extent, any steps have been taken to investigate and hold accountable those individuals who criminally interfered with the Committee’s investigation.
These failures are entirely unacceptable.  As my colleagues and I stressed in our previous letter, the Committee’s four criminal referrals, dated September 29, 2018, October 25, 2018, October 26, 2018, and November 2, 2018, were not made lightly.  Those referrals highlighted serious cases in which individuals made materially false, fictitious, and fraudulent statements to Committee investigators.
For example, one of the referrals related to an individual from Rhode Island who falsely alleged to Congress that Judge Kavanaugh had assaulted a friend on a boat, only to later admit on social media that he lied about the event. Two referrals related to allegations made by Mr. Michael Avenatti and his client, Ms. Julie Swetnick, who accused Judge Kavanaugh of being involved in gang rape activities.  The Committee identified no verifiable evidence to support the allegations.  The Committee found that Mr. Avenatti, who has since been convicted on felony extortion charges, and his client, Ms. Swetnick, had a long history of credibility issues and may have criminally conspired to mislead the Committee regarding those allegations and obstruct its investigation.  A final referral related to Ms. Judy Munro-Leighton, a woman who claimed to be the author of an anonymous letter stating that Judge Kavanaugh and a friend raped her “several times each” in the back seat of a car.  Ms. Munro-Leighton later admitted that she falsely claimed that she was the author of the letter and its allegations and only claimed authorship of the letter “as a way to grab attention.”  These false allegations materially impeded the Committee’s work and diverted important Committee resources during its time-sensitive investigation.
Of course, the most famous accusation against Kavanaugh was from Christine Blasey Ford and it was practically the definition of a non-credible accusation. Blasey Ford claimed Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her, but could not definitively tell anyone the year or place it occurred. She named four witnesses, one of whom was her friend, and all of them denied her story. In fact, her friend said she had never even met Brett Kavanaugh. Did Blasey Ford have a mental breakdown? Were her memories confused in hypnosis? Was it some bizarre attention-seeking stunt or raw partisanship from a liberal woman? No one really knows much about that other than her story wasn’t true and she made hundreds of thousands of dollars via GoFundMe for telling it.
False allegations of sexual assault do a lot of harm. Most importantly, they can destroy a man’s life, but they also make women that have really been sexually assaulted reluctant to come forward for fear that they’ll be perceived as liars. That’s why women that definitively make false sexual assault accusations should have the book thrown at them and it’s disappointing that none of these women have been charged yet. Putting someone like Julie Swetnick in jail would do an awful lot of good in preventing similar future false allegations, but if this issue was too hot to touch under the Trump Administration, we certainly can’t expect to see these liars face justice when liberals are involved.
John Hawkins is the author of 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know. His website is Linkiest and you can follow him on Parler here.

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