During a hotly contested Democratic primary amidst an anti-Trump movement, the blame game occurred immediately after the two horrendous mass shootings our country witnessed over the weekend. Democrats running for 2020 are attempting to see how they can take advantage of the situation to gain more voter support than their counterparts.
What the media will fail to remind the public, is that Trump has been very serious about looking for a concrete solution, before the horrific events of this past weekend. In 2018 Trump said “I’m hearing more and more people say the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people’s thoughts…and you go the further step, and that’s the movies.”
The President has suggested many times that there needs to be some kind of regulation of violent video games to limit the damage to young people who play them consistently. Games that “celebrate violence” should be discouraged, and “we must stop the glorification of violence in our society…this includes the gruesome and grisly video games that are now commonplace” said the president in his speech today.
As for Hollywood and the movies, they also deserve a deeper look. Here we have an industry almost entirely made up of liberals who are vehemently anti-second amendment, yet have no problem washing their morals down the drain for sales.
In today’s speech, Trump “called for reforms at the intersection of mental health and gun laws, including so-called ‘red flag laws’ to take guns from those deemed a public risk.” Gun owners and 2nd amendment advocates take gun ownership very seriously. They understand the harm it can do and the responsibility that goes along with owning a weapon. Hollywood, however, turns guns into a toy that anyone can pick up and use, and makes death by gunshot equivalent to having just thrown a gum wrapper into a trash can. For our country to be inundated with these images desensitizes us to a level of ignorance to the true meaning and reason for protecting the second amendment.
Before vitriolic rhetoric can pave the way for Democrats to avoid having real discussions, Trump, in “unequivocal terms…condemned white supremacy.” Trump said, “In once voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy…these sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hatred has no place in America.” What will liberals do in order to blame all those things Trump just denounced on him now?
h/t: foxnews.com