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Soros-Backed Crackpot Activist Nandini Jammi Lies to Her Donors

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Nandini Jammi, a Soros-backed activist who has targeted Jewish-run publications by slandering them as “Nazis,” has been caught lying to her followers that their donations to her non-profit will be tax deductible.

On November 4th, she invited her followers to make a “tax deductible” donation to her group Check My Ads.

There’s only one problem here – her organization is a *pending* 501(c)(3), as per the Check My Ads website:


This means that donations will only be tax deductible in the event that the IRS approves that status.

According to the IRS regulations on “contributions to organizations with IRS application(s) pending”: “When the IRS approves a timely filed exemption application, exempt status is recognized back to the date the organization was created. Thus, while an application is pending, the organization can treat itself as exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3). For example, it must file Form 990 (instead of an income tax return) while its application is pending. However, contributors to the organization do not have advance assurance of deductibility because the organization’s exemption is pending. If the organization ultimately qualifies for exemption for the period in which the contribution is made, the contribution will be tax-deductible by the donor. Alternatively, if the organization ultimately does not qualify for exemption, then the contribution will not be tax deductible.

There’s also serious questions on if the organization is even able to qualify as a 501(c)(3) due to their political involvement.

The cat enthusiast responded by “debunking” a point that no one made, posting on twitter that the IRS does allow pending 501(c)(3)s to accept donations. Of course, that pending 501(c)(3)s are allowed to accept donations was never disputed – the tax exempt status of those donations was.

Nandini didn’t respond to the actual allegation against her – and I think we can all figure out why.

UPDATE: An archived page of the Check My Ads website from the Wayback Machine reveals that as recently as October they falsely claimed to already be a registered 501(c)(3).

Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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