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Soros-Backed Misinformation Group Hires Former Operative of Disgraced Lincoln Project

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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RC Di Mezzo, who served as former national press secretary for the disgraced, scandal plagued Lincoln Project, will be joining the Soros-backed, Orwellian named “Good Information Inc.”

According to Breitbart:

Di Mezzo worked with the Lincoln Project during its tiki torch hoax, in which operatives attempted to link Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin to white supremacists in the days leading up to Youngkin’s election.

Di Mezzo will serve as Good Information Inc.’s communications director.

We reported on the launch of “Good Information Inc” back in October, which Soros launched with co-billionaire Reid Hoffman, who founded LinkedIn. The group, which exists to spread left-wing misinformation, has the purported mission of tackling disinformation.

The group is led by former Democrat strategist Tara McGowan. The disinformation group’s advisory committee includes activist and cat enthusiast Nandini Jammi, who once endorsed reducing penalties for young sex offenders in prior writings of hers. Jammi had previously criticized the Lincoln Project for years, but has recently collaborated with their members because she too has never seen a grift she didn’t like.

Jammi’s friend Claire Atkin, who recently publicly offered to help purchase sexually explicit materials for minors, also serves on the advisory committee. Atkin has been making the rounds as of late to whine to anyone who will listen that enough isn’t being done to censor Dan Bongino (what a life!).

Given the Lincoln Project’s sex scandal (and coverup) that involved nearly two dozen young men largely destroying the group’s reputation in the eyes of everyone except the likes of Jammi and Atkin, it looks like Di Mezzo will be right at home at “Good Information Inc”!

Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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