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Soros Backs More Anti-Law and Order Candidates in 2021

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All politics is local, and its local politics where George Soros has had the most success.

Unlike presidential races where even tens of millions of dollars in spending will only amount to a few percent of overall spending, Soros has been able to drown local races in cash, making it virtually impossible for anyone to compete with his desired candidate.

Countless District Attorney’s nationwide won their races with Soros’ backing – including Philadelphia’s Larry Krasner, Los Angeles’ George Gascón, Contra Costa County’s Diane Becton, St. Louis’ Kim Gardner, Chicago’s Kim Foxx, Loudon County’s Buta Biberaj, Portland’s Mike Schmidt, Suffolk County’s Rachel Rollins, and many, many more.

Soros’ undermining of law and order in America at the local level is continuing into 2021, with him quietly investing $200,000 into another far-left prosecutor in Virginia this month.

According to Fox News:

Soros’s cash infusion, which has slipped under the radar, includes $157,000 from his Justice & Public Safety PAC and $41,500 from his Democracy PAC to Ramin Fatehi, a state and federal prosecutor who won a three-way Democratic primary on June 8. He is now the only candidate on the ballot for the November general election for Norfolk’s commonwealth’s attorney.

Fatehi favors lax enforcement and views crime as a “symptom of structural racism.” According to his campaign website, Fatehi supports decriminalizing and legalizing marijuana possession, abolishing cash bail, abolishing the jury trial penalty, and making the system honor “the principle that Black Lives Matter.”

Fatehi explained his twisted philosophy in a recent interview with The Appeal. “The old-fashioned view about public safety was not taking into account externalities. It was focused on the idea of crime as an evil unto itself. Where I part ways is in recognizing that crime is a symptom. It’s a symptom of structural racism, of systematic community disinvestment, of redlining, unequal school policy, the lack of jobs, lack of transportation, a lack of opportunities, intergenerational barriers to wealth building, the disinvestment in the treatment of the mentally ill.”

Like all progressives, Fatehi bends over backwards to create enough excuses for criminal behavior that criminals themselves receive none of the blame. A commonality between all of Soros’ prosecutors he’s backed is that they all treat criminals as if they’re the victims.

As opposed to the word salad that Fatehi trots out in an attempt to sound intelligent, that America employs half as many police per-capita as the world average. That does far more to explain crime rates than whatever “structural system of systemic institutions” that Fatehi wants to blame.

The causes for crime Fatehi blames are deliberately vague enough so that he always has something to blame. After all, how do we do define “intergenerational barriers to wealth building” and realize when they’ve disappeared? Even if it we could, it would take generations. And if Fatehi is blaming a lack of jobs during an unprecedented labor shortage, it sounds like none of the problems he listed will ever be solved in his eyes regardless of how much progress is made on them.

Fatehi then went on to complain that we put criminals in prison: “It’s incredibly expensive, imprisoning people, jailing them, supervising them. We are disinvesting from our own community. We’re pulling human capital and dollars away from things like mental health treatment, drug treatment, education, housing contracts, and so on.”

Soros has also invested in New York City’s Mayoral race, backing far-left Maya Wiley, who boasts an endorsement from AOC. AOC recently said in support of Wiley “If we don’t come together as a movement, we will get a New York City built by and for billionaires, and we need a city for and by working people.”

Wiley also rails against billionaires, but she’s fine receiving their backing. Soros put $500k into an independent expenditure group backing Wiley’s campaign.

Wiley has called for defunding the police – but not the private security that she pays for to patrol her Brooklyn home.

Matt Palumbo is the author of Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New York, Debunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, and Spygate

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