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Soros Stooge Laura Silber Tries to Defend Her Boss, Fails Miserably

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 02/01/2023
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Following the publication of a five part series in the New York post this week by yours truly documenting the extensive influence of Soros (individually linked to below), the Sorosā€™ stooges are fighting backā€¦. poorly.
Rather than directly address a single claim made in my articles, Open Society Foundations Vice President for Advocacy and Communications Laura Silber is firing back on Twitter. She first attempted to humanize Soros by portraying him as a survivor of the Nazi occupation in Hungry - without mentioning his work aiding it, which he himself said he has no remorse over in an infamous 60 Minutes interview. The rest of her thread is just mindless propaganda, employing meaningless buzzwords about Soros fighting for what he apparently thinks ā€œfreedomā€ and ā€œdemocracy" are (definitions most sane people disagree with). She also repeats the neoliberal myth that Soros helped transition the Soviet Union to capitalism - a half-truth given that Soros mainly used the opportunity to buy up formally state-owned assets on the cheap to further enrich himself. She does address the rise in crime under Soros-backed prosecutors, but tries to spin it as being part of a national crime wave, without acknowledging that the rises have been far greater in Soros-influenced areas. She also resurrects the brain-dead argument that ā€œred states saw the most crime increaseā€ - ignoring that roughly 100% of the crime increases in those states are in its blue cities. Silber also claims that I helped spread anti-semitic tropes, which is particularly hilarious because I devoted an entire article in the Post series to mocking people who claim criticizing the most influencing billionaire in the history of U.S. politics as ā€œanti-semitic.ā€ While she's at it, she also manages to whine about Dan Bongino too. We donā€™t know how much Soros paid Silber to write her embarrassing defense of him, but clearly it wasnā€™t enough given the overwhelming mockery she received in response. Youā€™d think a billionaire could afford someone with at least a few dozen brain cells to handle their PR, but apparently not. 

Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry and The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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