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Stacey Abrams “Wouldn’t Oppose” Non-Citizens Voting in Local Elections

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Failed Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said she would be open to non-citizens voting in certain local elections and in some cases, even allowing 16-year-olds to vote.

When asked by host Margaret Hoover on PBS’ “Firing Line” what she thought of certain municipalities allowing non citizens to vote in local elections, Abrams replied, “I think there’s a difference between municipal and state and federal. The granularity of what cities decide is so specific, as to, I think, allow for people to be participants in the process without it somehow undermining our larger democratic ethic that says that you should be a citizen to be a part of the conversation.”

Hoover asked, “So, in some cases, you would be supportive of non-citizens voting?”

“I wouldn’t be — I wouldn’t oppose it,” said Abrams.

Abrams also said she was supportive of 16-year-olds voting in certain scenarios.

“I think school board elections where kids actually got to speak to the effect of the decisions made by the school board members, the effect it has on their education,” she said. “I think there is legitimate argument for having that conversation. I haven’t decided where I stand on it, but I think that’s a conversation we need to have.”

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