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Texas Candidate for Mayor Arrested on 109 Counts of Voting Fraud

  • by:
  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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The Denton County Sheriff’s Office has announced that mayoral candidate, Zul Mirza Mohamed, has been arrested and charged on 109 counts of voter fraud.

Suspicions were initially raised at Denton County Elections Office when all those absentee ballots were sent to the PO Box of a nursing home in Lewiston, Texas. The Elections Office contacted the police. When law enforcement reached out to some of the voters in the nursing home that had ballots sent out, they said had not requested that those ballots be sent to them at that address. After investigating further, officers found that the PO Box was set up using a fake University of North Texas student ID & fake Texas driver’s license.

Investigators kept the post office under surveillance and say Mohamed picked up the votes and took them back to his residence. The officers then got a search and found not only the ballots, but the fake driver’s license used to open the account. Mohamed was charged with 25 counts of unlawful possession of ballot without the request of voter and 84 counts of fraudulent use of mail ballot application. He now faces fines of up to $20,000 and 20 years in prison.

As Texas Governor Greg Abbott said after hearing about this case, “Voter fraud is real. It must be stopped. Texas officials are cracking down on it.” Of course, this is not the message that we’re hearing from the mainstream media, and the fact that these were mailed ballots adds to the concern. The reality of a crime is that for every person that gets caught, there are many others that never do. That applies to every type of crime, including voter fraud and everyone knows it. This is why reasonable people are concerned about mail-in voting and worry about the sanctity of the vote. Simply repeating that we haven’t seen any fraud, when we know that’s untrue and common sense tells us people are trying undermines public confidence. That can be dangerous for a free country because people who don’t believe there are free and fair elections may become radicalized and dangerous because they believe that’s the only way to have their voices heard. No one should want that and that’s one of the many reasons America should be working harder to safeguard the sanctity of our elections.

This year there’s been no shortage of issues with mail-in voting. As I noted in a previous article:

  • In Nevada, more than 223k ballots were returned undelivered and over 100k were sent back in little Rhode Island.
  • In New York, large numbers of ballots were rejected. “19% in Queens and Manhattan and 28% in Brooklyn.” Additionally, they didn’t declare a winner in some races for a MONTH AFTERWARDS.
  • In Paterson, New Jersey, 20% of the ballots were rejected and 4 men were charged with voter fraud. In Michigan this year, over 10,000 ballots were rejected and 846 ballots from dead voters were found. 40,000 ballots were rejected in Michigan and another 23,000 ballots didn’t make the cut in Wisconsin.
  • Overall, the Washington Post noted over half a million ballots were rejected across 23 states this year.

This is all so odd – I remember liberals assuring us all that these sort of crimes simply don’t happen!

Photos by Getty Images

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