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"That’s Sweet, They’re Illegal Aliens" - MSNBC Host Mocked

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 06/25/2024
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MSNBC’s attempt at promoting newspeak was immediately rebuffed by Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts. 

During a segment, former RINO RNC Chair Michael Steele asked about deporting illegal aliens; "So what do these people do, what are they doing now? The folks, the 11 million, 20 million, whatever you want to deport?"

"A lot of them are committing crimes like murdering the 12-year-old girl in Houston," Roberts replied, referencing the recent murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray. Steele was presumably hoping to set himself up to argue that we can’t deport illegals on the basis that they “do the jobs Americans won’t do” (whatever that’s supposed to mean), but the discussion instead shifted to crime.  

MSNBC host Symone Sanders-Townsend then interjected to recite discredited statistics purporting to show that illegal aliens commit (non-immigration related) crimes at a lower rate than the native born. 

The reason that claim sounds like nonsense is because it is. 

As I wrote elsewhere back in 2019: 

All estimates of illegal immigrant crime are underestimated for a simple reason. In America the average convict released has 3.9 prior convictions (excluding convictions that didn’t result in jail time). Because illegal immigrants will simply be deported at the end of their sentence (or be deported in lieu of other punishment), the chance of them re-offending is essentially zero (unless they’re to reenter the US). So we’re comparing a group that can reoffend (the native born) to one who generally can’t (illegal aliens) when comparing crime rates between the two. Obviously the former’s will always appear higher than the latter’s when we’re dealing with this kind of sampling bias. 

Additionally, illegals tend to congregate in cities where law enforcement solves crimes at a rate lower than the national average, which further masks the amount of crimes they commit. Over 61 percent of illegal aliens live in just twenty sanctuary cities (compared to 36 percent of the overall population that lives in those same cities).  In 2015, 46 percent of the violent crimes and 19 percent of the property crimes reported to police in the US were cleared, according to FBI data.  In San Francisco and Los Angeles, only about a third of violent crimes are cleared.


And of course, we have countless rogue far-left DAs that would never allow an illegal alien to be charged with a crime in the first place. 

Eventually, Sanders-Townsend tried to shame Roberts for not using a politically correct term for aliens who are in the country illegally. 

“And we don’t like that — I wanna be clear. We don’t use the term ‘illegal.’ Undocumented individuals,” Sanders-Townsend interjected.

“That’s sweet. They’re illegal aliens,” Roberts casually fired back.

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